Sam Turbo

Impeccable quality and 45 years of experience in the centrifugal pumps industry are the two major factors that gave birth to our company. Sam Turbo Industry Pvt. Ltd. is a certified ISO 9001:2008 company, incepted in 1971 in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Over the years, we have emerged as dependable manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of industry pumps and centrifugal pumps. We also undertake designing, marketing and servicing of industrial centrifugal pumps.

Our wide range of pumps is recognised for its low consumption of power, highest efficiency and reliability. All our industrial pumps are made according to industrial standards. Our company is equipped with a captive steel foundry with a capacity of 450 MT/month producing in materials SMO-654 conforming to IS, ASTM, JIS, AFNOR and BS standards thus guaranteeing excellent quality control standards for its products. The foundry is managed and backed by qualified professionals and well trained engineers.

As a multi-core, dynamic engineering company, we design, manufacture and service pumps for industries in the domestic and overseas sector. Our main clients are spread across industries such as thermal power, paper & pulp, fertilizer, basic metal, sugar, chemical and mines. Today, SAM proudly boasts market leadership with an Leaders in slurry and pulp stock pumps of the slurry pumps market.


Process Pumps (TCH+N)

  • Conforming to ANSI B73.1
  • Open impellers construction
  • End suction / Top centre line discharge
  • Only 3 bearing beds to cover 32 models
  • Gland packed/mechanical seal
  • Simple external adjustment for impeller wear

Multi-Stage Pumps (MD)

  • Barrel type construction
  • Multi stage with single suction -closed impeller
  • Axial thrust compensated by Balancing Drum or Disc

Slurry Pumps Single Casing (ARS)

  • Single Casing Design-with heavy wall thickness
  • Heavy Duty& Single stage
  • Casing in Ni-hard / Hi-chrome to take entire wear


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